The Update #4 – Searching for Travel Mode

by Jasper and Lonneke
8 May 2021
Comments 4

Just to get straight to the point. We need some time to adjust to travel life again.

Our adventure, started with saying goodbye to everyone at home. And that is never fun and very emotional. We also needed to fix the second vaccinations for me, we had to do a PCR test and wait for the results. Jasper had a sore throat and had to cough a bit, but the results were negative. We have now been on the road for almost a week and have had very bad weather until now. Until yesterday it rained almost continuously and it was cold. We went to Sweden because we wanted to enjoy all the outdoor activities, so we did. However, despite the fact that we said that we would not let it get in the way of an adventure, it was of course anything but comfortable. We have used the heating in the camper a lot. Both to warm ourselves but also to make an attempt to dry all the clothes that were always dripping wet. In addition, Jasper hurt his back and we had a leak under our sink… Right, the beginning could be better .. But we had to giggle, thinking back about the beginning of our trip to Australia and New Zealand for 6 months. In the beginning of that trip we had 2 weeks of non-stop rain, we sometimes needed to book a cabin and let our tent stuff dry because everything was soaked and we couldn’t get it dry anymore. During that time Jasper had no pain in his back but a toothache. Our trip through Australia and New Zealand ended up being the best time of our lives … So … Bring it on …

Besides the setbacks, there were certainly things that went very well. Camping in the wild is really super easy here. There are tons of free places to choose from and topping up our water and dumping dirty water is super easy too. Until now we have slept at beautiful places from which we could always take a nice walk. We really enjoyed this the most so far. In between, we always visit sights and towns that we find in the Lonely Planet, but what we especially like about it is keeping Fika in the bakery’s nearby. We ate something in bakery that was really fantastic. It was a puff pastry base and in the middle was delicious custard. The taste was really delicious and the puff pastry just melted in the mouth but when you bit into it it was wonderfully crunchy. Is your mouth already watering? Mine is. hahah. We may also enjoy those bakeries even more because it is warm and dry inside. The places where we tried out the bakeries? In Ystad and Lund, of which Ystad was by far the most beautiful, but Lund had the wonderful bakery.

We also went to Ales Stones but because it is on top of a hill it was very windy and cold. But still nice to have seen. It is a round circle of large stones from 600 of which they do not know what it was used for. Jasper’s theory has something to do with witches … So …

And we also visited the IKEA museum. A really great activity for this bad weather. Was nice to see. Tomorrow we will be going towards Oland and explore nature. Hopefully the nice weather will keep up as this really helps with getting into travel mode. I am certain we will be there next week.

Menu of the week*

ThursdayCouscous but with the left-over rice of the Indian food instead of couscous. 
SaturdayLeft-over Pasta
* At home we cook more often for several days. Then we would put the food what was left in the freezer and take it out on days when we were busy with other things. This way we can eat well, but it does not always cost us a lot of time and money. We want to continue to do this while traveling, but because we have little freezer space, we will now eat the same thing more often two days in a row. This week seems like an extreme version of that, but fortunately the Indian food we had was quite varied.
** We still had dinner coupons at home that would expire. Of course we could not spent those coupons due to corona for a nice bite to eat. So we decided to get Indian food with them. It was delicious and enough to eat it for 4 days! haha

Spendings of the Week

Budget per day €54 and per week €378 and per month €1700

What/WhereCost (€)
Eating out51,78
Including crossing from the Netherlands and refueling from the Netherlands to Sweden


Driven kilometers: 1300

  1. Bladerdeeg broodje ziet er super lekker uit!
    Het is weer leuk om te lezen wat jullie allemaal doen en eten! Geniet ze verder en tot” morgen! “

  2. Wat super leuk om zo met jullie “mee te reizen”. Dank jullie wel! Blijf genieten van elkaar en al het moois, ook als het regent.

  3. Lieve Jappie en Lonnie,

    Na regen komt zonneschijn, wij hopen dat jullie snel beter weer krijgen.
    Geniet van al het moois dat jullie gaan zien en hier zit een mannetje die ook best zo’n broodje wil proeven. 😉

    Dikke kussen van ons, xxx

  4. Heerlijk om mee te lezen. Jammer vd valse start, maar dat zonnetje komt echt wel en gelukkig is Lonneke in de buurt voor de rug ? wat vet om in een gebied te reizen waar de lynx voorkomt! De jongens (en wij) kijken uit naar jullie volgende bericht! Liefs

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