The Update #1 – Preparation mode

by Jasper and Lonneke
3 February 2021
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Seven weeks left until we will leave, only four weeks grinding away at work. We count the days. On 16th of April, the day of our 8 year anniversary, we go to our jobs for the last time. The last day of ‘normal’ life, for now. We are super busy with all the preparations, but we have found the time last weekend to celebrate Lon her birthday. Of course we found the time. A long time ago, we stopped giving each other presents and started giving each other experiences. Which sound maybe a little cheesy, but we have done some amazing stuff over the years.

We have been away for a nice relaxing weekend in wooden cottage in Schijf. We played games, we wandered through nature, enjoyed the fire plays and mainly enjoyed each others company. It was a luxury prelude of what is to come. Within seven weeks we will be living in our new home, our camper Bob. We will go from a multistoried home to a home on wheels. A home that can go anywhere and a home in which we can finally start the next chapter, our new adventure.

The last couple of weeks we were really busy with making our home rent proof. We needed to paint the window frames on the back side of our home, needed to do a huge ass cleaning spree through the house. We have been in places were nobody have cleaned since we started leaving in our home, 4 years ago. We made a wooden partition in the attach, so we can store some stuff there and therefore make our moving easier. The photos are made and the advert is only. Tomorrow the first people will come visit our home and we hope to find a tenant that is willing to live in our home for the next 18 months. It will be really strange that our home is not actually our home anymore. However, we cleaned out a lot of our personal belongings, our souvenirs that we have been collecting over the years, which really helps to get used to the feeling. All of a sudden we have TV in our living rom again and our home sounds echoing due to the lack of rucks on the ground.

The coming weeks we still need to arrange a lot of things, although that is part of the fun. After doing the odd jobs in and around our home, we are ready to prepare our new home. Make him adventure ready. In the weeks to come we will say our goodbye to friends and family.

But then on the third of May 2021, we will start our car, quickly get our nose swiped (for a PCR test) and are gone. On our way to Sweden, to wherever our journey will take us.

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