The Update #2 – The Last Week of Work for a very very Long Time

by Jasper and Lonneke
18 April 2021
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Everyday of this week was a last, the last Monday that we were working, the last Tuesday that we were working….. The last time doing this chore at work, the last time logging in my hours in the system. The last time building my home work station, the last time taking the train to work, the last time folding our bikes, the last time seeing our colleague we shared so much time with. , the last train ride to work and the last time folding our bikesFor Lon it was the last time of seeing her children she has been treating for the last year and a half. It is a strange realization that we will not be seeing all the people we worked so long together with. For both of us the goodbyes were very special, hearing from people how much they valued you and your work. 

It is all still a bit surreal, not knowing if we can make the trip we originally intended to make, not knowing when we will be able to ship Bob and start our Panamerican Highway trip. But we have a starting point, a wonderful new place to start exploring. We cannot wait to start this journey, although, to be honest, I am starting to feel the tension about our journey creeping in. 

The coming two weeks will be packed with all things that will need to be fixed before we go. But then…. the adventure will really start!

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